I have had several people come to my studio for various reasons and without being asked, have offered their suggestions on Evelyn. I realize that though I am keeping this blog and have kept others on my process it is really a solitary job. The comments I receive from those who see it on facebook are things like, it is coming along or WOW or things like that. But having comments on the piece in my studio or about the structure of a piece, before I am really ready to show it is a bit frustrating. It is kind of like cleaning your closet and taking everything out and organizing it and having someone walk into your room and say, "Wow, this is a disaster."
I think that the process of creating an entire human form is huge. I jump around from head to feet, to in between, back to feet and legs and, step back and see so many things, and make a list and then try to focus and them put things together and look and make more lists. My clients may be watching from afar, but it is in no way shape or form ready to review. I will appreciate the comment from those that I trust, when I'm ready, but until then... My closet is a disaster, but I'm getting there.