Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Compare, compare, compare

This is what I do all day long. I compare one part to another and reference photographs to sculpture. This can be hard because the reference I have is little, both in size and amount.  I mean trying to figure out what someone looks like by using a picture that is less than one inch is, at best, a challenge.

Plus you are looking at a two dimensional element and trying to create something in 3d.  Still, I compare.

My comparisons of late.

  • I have been working on the head separate from the body. I put it on and found that I needed to take off about 1 inch of hair and lower her hair line for it to fit the body. There is nothing worse than creating a perfect head and a perfect body and put them together to find they are not in proportion. 
Today I get to cut off her head and work on it separately again.  I like the size of the neck, the placement and proportions and I am very tired of sculpting upside down and on the ground. Working on the head at my desk will be a welcome challenge. 
  • Legs, shoes, stature.  I look at my own legs often and then at Evelyn's and wonder about her proportions. I have committed to the length of the skirt, just below the knee is perfect. 
  • She is sitting back, someone said, is it too much, absolutely not. It is an attitude.  She is confident, she is assured, she has great posture, ( I'm so jealous as I do not).  I love the stance. 
  • Sweater-  Folds are everything.  I can't talk about this right now as it is a pain in my side. I'm going to fix this, which may mean, redoing the sweater entirely.  
  • Weight on legs.  I like that one heel is up just a bit. She stands back hard on the left leg.  I like this.  

Sometimes it is all about becoming more friendly. I become more friendly with the piece and it becomes more friendly to the viewer.  This is what it means to search for Evelyn.